
CalendarRules is a leading provider of the latest, most accurate court rules you need, when you need them.

Benefits of Using CalendarRules

When using CalendarRules, PracticeMaster will help protect you from the second most common cause of malpractice claims - calendar-related errors that result in missing critical dates.

PracticeMaster can automatically schedule appointments and to-do's based on CalendarRules' jurisdiction specific court rules.

CalendarRules has been creating attorney-written court rules since 2005. Today, their rules sets are in all 50 states, with new rules added each month. If you need rules added, let CalendarRules know and they will add them within 60 days.

How to Subscribe

If you would like an estimate, send the list of courts desired (the more specific, the better) and mention that you're currently using PracticeMaster to Once you subscribe to a jurisdiction, CalendarRules will provide a Login Token for you to enter into PracticeMaster.